sobota 24. 4. 2021 (10:00) – neděle 25. 4. 2021 (17:00) tuto akci již nestihnete
K. u. K. Military Fencing Tournament, Prague 2021, an annual event dedicated to fencing with weapons taught at the K. u. K. Theresian Military Academy in Wiener Neustadt – foil, sabre, bayonet - continues the tradition of eleven succesive Austro- Hungarian army fencing tournaments „K. u. K. Armee Fechtturnier“ which were held alternatively in Wien and Budapest in the years 1898 to 1914. The first „K. u. K. Armee Fechtturnier“ held in 1898 was part of the jubilee celebrations marking the 50 th anniversary of the accession of the Emperor and King Franz Josef I. to the thron.
K. u. K. Military Fencing Tournament, Prague 2021, is open to all military fencing stylists of all levels interested in the art of fencing from the period 1895-1914.
C. a. K. Turnaj ve vojenském šermu (K. u. K. Militär Fecht- Turnier), Praha 2021, každoroční akce věnovaná šermu se zbraněmi vyučovanými v C. a. K. Tereziánské vojenské akademii ve Vídeňském Novém městě – fleret, šavle, bodák – navazuje na tradici jedenácti po sobě jdoucích vojenských turnajů rakousko- uherské armády „K. u. K. Armee Fechtturnier“, které se konaly střídavě ve Vídni a Budapešti v letech 1898 až 1914. První „K. u. K. Armee Fechtturnier“ pořádaný v roce 1898 byl součástí jubilejních oslav padesátého výročí nástupu Císaře a krále Františka Josefa I. na trůn.
Akce je otevřená všem šermířům a šermířkám se zájmem o umění vojenského šermu z konce devatenáctého a počátku dvacátého století.
Saturday April 24: foil tournament preliminary rounds and eliminations, bayonet tournament preliminary rounds and eliminations, foil and bayonet fencing workshop, target shooting workshop
Sunday April 25: sabre tournament preliminary rounds and eliminations, sabre fencing workshop, sabre test cutting workshop
Participation options:
Day I Saturday April 24
a) you can enter one of the two fencing tournaments - foil or bayonet
b) if you wish, you can only participate in workshops without taking part of the tournaments
c) if you do not get into eliminations you can take part of the workshops if you like
Day II Sunday April 25
a) you can enter the sabre fencing tournament
b) if you wish you can only participate in workshops without taking part of the tournament
c) if you do not get into eliminations you can take part of the workshops if you like
Workshops and tournament requirements:
complete protective foil/ sabre/ bayonet fencing gear (mask, jacket, gloves, protectors), French or Italian foil, sabres and bayonets for the tournament and workshops will be provided by the organizers.
Fencing weapons used:
Classical French/ Italian foil – own weapons required
Czechoslovak Spring Bayonet – provided by the organizers
Barbasetti Sabre 1895 model 2 – provided by the organizers
Detailed program:
Saturday April 24 2021
Place: Náměstí Svobody, 930/3, 160 00 Prague 6 Bubeneč
9:30 – 10:00 registrations
10:00 – 10:15 opening of the event
10:15 – 13:00 foil tournament preliminary rounds (max. 12 fencers in the pools), bayonet tournament preliminary rounds (max. 12 fencers in the pools), foil and bayonet fencing workshop (leading to assaults- at- arms using techniques covered in the workshop)
13:00-14:00 lunchbreak
14:00 – 17:00 foil tournament eliminations, bayonet tournament eliminations, foil and bayonet assaults- at- arms using techniques covered in the workshop, practice shooting workshop
17:00 tournament winners announcement
20:00 – 23:00 Official dinner – restaurant U Topolu, Prague 6, Jugoslávských partyzánů 943/32, 160 00 Praha 6- Bubeneč
Sunday April 25 2021
Place: Náměstí Svobody, 930/3, 160 00 Prague 6 Bubeneč
10:00 – 13:00 sabre tournament preliminary rounds (max. 12 fencers in the pools), sabre fencing workshop (leading to assaults- at- arms using techniques covered in the workshop), sabre test cutting workshop (2 cutting matts for each participant)
13:00 – 14:00 lunchbreak
14:00 – 17:00 sabre fencing eliminations, sabre test cutting workshop (2 cutting matts for each participant)
17:00 tournament winners announcement, official end of the event
Barbasetti Military Sabre (since 1895), Prague, Czech Republic
Ars Dimicatoria School of Historical Fencing, Prague, Czech Republic
Main gym of the Primary School Emy Destinnové, náměstí Svobody 930/3, 160 00 Prague 6 Bubeneč 160 00, Czech Republic
Price: EUR 90
Official T- shirt: EUR 20
To enroll please contact Michael Knazko